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Enjoy the Health of a Body in Balance

Balanced Nutrition to Nourish Your Health & Happiness

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Living Nutrition

& Wellness

Nourish Your Body,

Mind & Heart 

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Bio-Energetic Testing

Looking at health from an energetic perspective can help identify current resonating patterns and balancers.


BioMeridian and Zyto are bio-resonance devices used to measure galvanic skin response and electric signatures in the body. BioMeridian assesses the energy flow within meridians and energetic balances and imbalances within various body systems.

A ZYTO scan involves presenting questions in the form of energetic signatures that the body answers directly. Observing patterns and trends of responses can provide valuable insight into a client's health, identifying bio-resonant supports to balance energy and improve health.


Balanced Energy Supports Health

Image by Brooke Lark

Nutrition Support

Diet and lifestyle are often underlying factors driving unwanted symptoms. Nutrition support can be a powerful catalyst for improved health and well-being. 


When our diet and lifestyle align with our bio-individual needs, we can establish an environment in the body that supports healing. Each person's path to wellness is unique. 

With functional assessments that assess clients' nutritional status, needs, and health goals, we support you with personalized nutrition plans designed to uncover your path to better health.

Bio-individualized nutritional support can help clients achieve their unique health goals, optimize their health, and improve their mood, energy, and quality of life. 


Eating for Wellness, Ease, & Joy

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EVOX Biofeedback

EVOX facilitates the process and release of emotional and mental roadblocks that impact quality of life.


EVOX uses innovative voice mapping to support emotional release around thoughts and beliefs. Using bio-feedback, it works at the subconscious level with sound mapping and responsive frequencies to create perceptible shifts in voice patterns. 

Emotional, mental, and physical health are intertwined. Our voice reflects our emotions, thoughts, and energy. The body hears everything our mind says and often expresses what the mind suppresses. EVOX sessions help clients with emotional shifts that can positively transform thought patterns.


Nourish Your Mind, Heart, & Body

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Laura Nasser, M.Ed., MSHN
Nutrition & Bio-Energetics Practitioner

The beauty of food as medicine is that the choice to heal and promote health can begin as soon as the next meal.

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"The secret of getting ahead is getting started"

Mark Twain

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